
Character Manager
The Character Manager allows users to add and delete characters, and to attach associated information to each characters: labels, aliases, notes, images.

The timeline visually represents the events you have created in Granthika and allows you to click-and-drag events and move them around.

Event Manager
The Event Manager allows users to add and delete events, Users can define relationships with other events, participants, and locations.

The analyzer is an intelligent module which goes through any selected chapter, scene, or section in your manuscript, and recognizes references to characters, locations, and objects. These can then be tagged automatically.

Location Manager
The Location Manager allows users to add and delete locations, and also to attach associated information to each location: labels, aliases, notes, images, and relationships to events.

Table of Contents
You can easily manage parts, chapters, scenes, and sections. These elements can be easily dragged and moved anywhere in the table of contents. This structure of your manuscript can easily be exported to PDF.

Object Manager
The Object Manager allows users to add and delete objects, and also to attach associated information to each object: labels, aliases, notes, images.

Users can import from Word, Scrivener, RTF, or from other Granthika projects.

Users can export to Microsoft Word format, Scrivener, PDF, RTF, or to Granthika’s own project and universe formats.

Knowledge Browser
​Granthika fuses text and knowledge about all your story elements. It connects your characters, locations, objects, and events into a seamless web, so that you can jump between your manuscript and every building block of your fictional universe. Get quick access to your notes about each element in your universe. Spend your time writing, not searching!

Universe Creation, Import and Export
Build a world of characters, events, objects and location with a complex network of relationships between them. Export and share that universe between projects or with fellow writers.

Semantic Search
​Search for the knowledge embedded in your text, not for strings of letters. Formulate advanced queries like “events with participant Sherlock Holmes” or “scenes containing pipe.”

Granthika can track all instances in which a character, location, event and object has been mentioned in your manuscript. This allows you to track and analyze when, how often, and in what context your story elements appear.

Narrative Structure Management
Create your chapters, sections and scenes to any depth using a familiar table of contents or corkboard view.

Text Metrics
Granthika will provide statistics about your word count, overused words, vocabulary richness, gender pronoun usage frequency, and character gender ratio.

Language Assistant
Let the Granthika language assistant do its magic by automatically discovering new characters, locations and relationships within your story universe. The assistant will help you with spelling, find the right word, detect overused words, and will flag gender bias in your text.